ODIC Project
Our Activities are identification and Training of youth as peer educators to lead peer led Community intervention. Behavioural change communication sessions for community by peer educators,individual and group counseling screeining and assessment of clients on substance use disorder, ensure referral and linkage to service centres , art music dance for early recovery follow up care family counseling
The schools and colleges of Theni district integrated meetings and marathons were arranged by our Grama dhana Nirmana Sangam in the year 2019 . The participants carried the hand outs and boards in this marathon. It was in our Grama dhana Nirmana sangam also. The awareness camp was conducted in schools and colleges against these habits on the eve mahatma Gandhi 150th day celebration Theni districts with the association of Red cross society.
Tobacco Cessation Centre
The services offered at the clinic include individual intervention in the form of behavioural counselling, medication, and nicotine replacement therapy. The centres also intend to create awareness among the general public about the negative effects of tobacco and about tobacco cessation through awareness programs, exhibitions training programs on tobacco cessation for various professionals, and information booklets and manuals aimed at specific groups of the population.
Tele- Counselling and Help line for Drug Addicts: The Alcohol and Drug Support Line is confidential, non-judgmental telephone counseling, information and referral service for anyone seeking help for their own or another person’s alcohol or drug use.
Contact with the Alcohol and Drug Support Line is one-to-one with a professional counselor and is confidential.
The counsellor who answers your call can:
- Listen to what is going on for you
- Provide you with information about alcohol or drug use
- Provide emotional support
- Talk about treatment options
- Refer you to local services that can provide ongoing support